Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Two blog posts in one day? No one can live at that speed!

Just before I left Vermillion, several of us went out to eat downtown, and after the food was cleared away, napkin hyjinks commenced. I was told that I needed to start a blog and post them online. A month and a half later, here it is! PLEASE keep in mind, I had no hand in writing these...!

1o Things to Do While Missing Jessica:
1. Hang out with goat ropers and worms
2. Walk about and tell people randomly "You're adopted!"
3. Take forever ordering food.
4. Force leprechauns to breed with chickens so that we can have our very own goblins.
5. Dress Karl up as Jessica and have him assume her identity.
6. Dream about *nobody in particular.*
7. Walk around the house in too-big of slippers, gloves, a scarf, and a stocking cap.
8. Complain about not having a copy of Escaflowne for 2 1/2 years.
9. Corrupt Hot Hrodwin instead.
10. Convince people that there really is NO table in the kitchen!

10 Things Jessica Will Do in Wyoming:
1. Play in the dirt lookin' for stuff...and find a space pirate's ship and their booty!
2. Complain that she needs a boy to open pickle jars.
3. Keep wishing the table wasn't there.
4. Walk around and tell people she's adopted.
5. Go on a killing spree after finding out her boyfriend of 6 years is Mormon.
6. Search for Snowy River.
7. Shout "Hey, I found a rock!"
8. Save a horse and ride a cowboy.
9. While out doing #6, she'll do #2. She'll trip and say #7 then realize that actually #1 happened. then the Feds show up. She tells them #4, offers #8, and after dating the Fed for years does #5.
10. Use "antidisestablishmentarianism" in an academic paper.

1 comment:

MissDoom said...

lol those are so funny. We are awesome.