Sunday, March 8, 2009

Sunday Morning Musings

I realize that it's not Sunday morning anymore, but the thought occurred to me while it still was. The Gospel reading this morning in church was about the Transfiguration, where it says Moses and Elijah came down from Heaven to converse with Jesus on the mountain, and then Jesus tells the disciples not to tell anyone about it until after he had risen. There's a gap in the story though. Has anyone else ever wondered exactly what it was that he and Moses and Elijah were talking about up there??


MissDoom said...

they were playing perudo

Aethelflaed said...

Haha! That might also have to go under the "Irreverently Funny" heading. Still, it could have been a very sanctified game of perudo, something to keep their hands busy while they discussed matters of heavenly importance, like were those silly people ever going to believe anything He said and just get on with being nice to each other already.