Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Crazy As Always

Took Tom to the Celtic Women concert last night. I think he enjoyed it immensely and enthusiastically. Win! We wanted to do something nice for him since he's always doing things for everyone else. Only after the concert, he said he would return the favor by taking us to the opera. I'd love to go see the opera with him. But the point was not that it would be a favor requiring another in return! *sigh* Tom is Tom, as usual. The show really was great. I've always liked Celtic Women, but wasn't as stoked about them as Tom is. It's easier to pay close attention to all the details when it's a live show though. One of the words that repeatedly came to mind was "exuberant." It's a very uplifting performance; there is nothing negative. Whether the song is heart-wrenching or joyful, it will make you feel like a better person simply for having experienced it. They played some of my favorites--the Shenandoah fiddle solo brought tears to my eyes--and I've had "The Spanish Lady" stuck in my head ever since then as well! And some new ones. I didn't count how many encores they did, but at least half a dozen. The fiddle impressed me most...I don't think I've ever heard such depth and range of emotion come from a solo instrument, a singer, or an entire orchestra. Every note clear and perfect. Amazing. Anyway, before this starts reading like a newspaper review, I'll move on, just saying that if you ever get a chance to go, even if you think you aren't interested, go anyway!

Gearing up for the Griffin Needle Challenge this weekend. The team is down to 3 of us, but I think we'll do fine. We've got some talent. :) Need to print off the research tonight, wash fabric, and round up materials. And make a packing list for everything I need to bring!

Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Jen said...

You guys are awesome! That was nice of you to take Tom. Next time, I will take my Tom.